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Microeconomics Books for M. A Economics

Education is so important. Read books

In our society, we always listen or saw that almost every person asks a child that what do you want to become in the future or some people say that you have to become like someone or you have to do more than one has done or someone has been doing. How does a person choose any one profession or choose a single role for the rest of life when there are so many professions or so many roles one can have in his or her life. But it does not mean that people have to keep changing the role or the profession from one to another in the name of gaining knowledge and dynamism and in the countries like Nepal it is also impossible to adopt.

Education is everything if you really learn the meaning of life, money, and time from those years that you have spent in school, high school, college, and university. Education will challenge your belief in thinking about what property is all about. I was not a good learner during my college and university time. 

Sometimes, therefore, I feel bad for me on my learnings during the most important time of my life. I want everyone who wants to learn and do something good in life for his or her and for the nation, should get all the possible opportunities and all have to help one another for making an intellectual and productive society. 

Here I am going to share some of the good books of economics, especially for those who are seeking a good career in the field of economics and want to contribute to society and the nation. Generally, you can get almost all the matters and study materials on the internet very easily and thus this sharing may not create that much value for those who already have got such matters and achieved a fundamental level of knowledge but this could be the source to access various international books and publications for many students and learners.

Microeconomics books available for ma economics, Tribhuvan University

I always think that without a better education how does a person become a good thinker, a good leader, a good guider, good parents, and a good teacher. (For me the teacher is the most beautiful and wise profession in the world). So here you can get access to all the needed book of economics for Masters of Art in Economics at Tribhuvan University. 

Honestly saying, there is no value of the education until you yourself feel it from your heart otherwise as an ordinary human being including me, you will have to struggle financially, you will have to learn so many works only for earning money and you will have to worry about what to become and for what purpose life is to live as you were asked in your child age.

The books available here for Microeconomics are;

Name of the Book
Modern Microeconomics
A. Koutsoyiannis
Microeconomic Analysis
H R Varian
Principle of Microeconomics
N G Mankiw
Microeconomics Principles and Analysis
Frank A. Cowell

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